camera scope for plumbing for commercial use

Using a Camera Scope for Plumbing Inspections

Plumbers today have an invaluable tool to inspect pipes, drains, and sewer lines - the plumbing camera scope. This waterproof camera can provide a view inside pipes to diagnose issues and determine the condition of plumbing systems.

What is a Plumbing Camera Scope

A plumbing camera, also called a pipe inspection camera or drain camera, is a specialized waterproof camera on a flexible cable that can be inserted into pipes, drains, and other plumbing access points. It has built-in LED lights to illuminate the inside of the pipe.
The camera connects to a monitor screen that provides a live video feed. Plumbers use this visual evidence to assess the condition of pipes and pinpoint any damaged sections or clogs.
Key Benefits of Using a Plumbing Camera
  • Avoid unnecessary demolition - Plumbing cameras can prevent plumbers from having to cut open walls and floors for exploratory purposes. The camera gives you eyes inside the pipe.
  • Precision diagnosis - A camera scope provides accurate information on the location and cause of the problem, whether it's broken pipes, root intrusion, buildup, etc.
  • Reduce costly repairs - With pipe inspection, plumbers can fix isolated issues instead of having to replace entire pipe sections. Precise diagnosis means less labor costs.
  • Document pipe condition - The video from the plumbing camera provides visual documentation of the pipe's interior. Plumbers can show homeowners exactly what's happening inside their plumbing.
"A drain pipe camera allows identifying and addressing minor drain issues before they become major expensive problems."

Plumbing Camera Types

There are a few different types of plumbing camera scopes suitable for various situations:
  • Drain cameras - Typically small cameras on 3-6 foot cables used to inspect sink, tub, and floor drains as well as sewer pipes. Useful for finding and clearing simple clogs.
  • Video sewer inspection cameras - Longer push cables, typically 25-100 feet, for inspecting sewer lines, main drain lines, septic pipes, etc. Can locate breaks, blockages, tree root intrusion.
  • Micro inspection cameras - Very small diameter cameras to inspect tight spaces like inside wall cavities or small diameter pipes. Also useful for examining appliance parts like hot water heaters.

Professional Tips for Using a Plumbing Camera

Pipe inspection cameras are useful tools, but proper training helps plumbers obtain the best results:
  • Go slow - Move the camera cable forward and backward carefully to thoroughly scan the entire pipe and identify issues.
  • Look for building defects - Note water leaks, cracks, separations, corrosion that require pipe repairs.
  • Locate connections and branches - Identify all parts of the plumbing system. Trace problems back to the source.
  • Measure distances - Use onscreen distance indicators to pinpoint the location of any damage or clogs.
  • Record findings - Save video and images to show clients visible problems and share with other professionals if needed.
A plumbing camera scope is an invaluable investment for modern plumbers. Conducting regular pipe inspections and having visual documentation enables plumbers to make the right diagnosis, save on unnecessary work, promote their services, and boost customer satisfaction.