About project and me

Alex Carter

My name is Alex Carter and I am the owner and founder of plumbinginspectioncamera.com. I created this site because I enjoy testing and writing about devices, methods and approaches in plumbing and pipe inspection using cameras.

I worked as a plumber for 6 years in Latvia and Germany. Moved to the USA and now blog about inspection in plumbing. I consult with colleagues and sometimes post their reviews and pipe inspection techniques on my blog.

After 6 years in the plumbing business, I've seen how essential sewer cameras are for properly diagnosing drainage problems. Relying on guesswork often leads to unnecessary excavation and replacement when a simple spot repair would suffice. Camera inspections give you the full picture.

I've had different high quality sewer cameras in the works and different experiences interpreting what I see in the pipe. And I know for sure that preventive sewer maintenance always beats emergency cleaning!

Don't wait until you have a sewer failure to call a professional. Schedule an inspection so we can keep your pipes clear and flowing. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to your underground plumbing. Call today to have one of experienced plumbers perform a sewer camera inspection. It's the smart first step toward lasting sewer health.

If you would like to contact me, you can email me at alex@plumbinginspectioncamera.com or the form on the contact page.